Cowboy Church​
Cowboy Church​

What is Cowboy Church?
What is Cowboy Church?
The Cowboy Church movement started in the western United States more than 40 years ago and has spread across the country and into Mexico and Australia. There are more than 1000 Cowboy Churches and Ministries listed throughout the United States and Canada.
Cowboy Church services feature mainly Country, Western, and Blue Grass music, and include a short message.
A lot of people do not attend church because they feel that the traditional church is either just after their money or that they do not fit into a traditional church because it is too "righteous for them." Cowboy Church is designed to lower those barriers, closing the gap between the churched and the unchurched making people feel comfortable and inviting them to come just as they are. Kickapoo Cowboy Church is a non-denominational church and not affiliated with another church or denomination.
Cowboy Church Beliefs:
- God: Cowboy Churches believe in the Trinity. One God in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
- Jesus Christ: Jesus came to earth as Redeemer. Through His sacrificial death on the cross and resurrection, He paid the debt for the sins of those who believe in Him as Savior
- Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit draws all people to Jesus Christ, and resides in all who receive Christ as their Savior, guiding God’s children through life's journey to Heaven
- Bible: Cowboy Churches believe that the Bible is the written Word of God. It is an instruction book for life that is true and reliable. It provides the bases for the Christian faith
- Worship Services: Without exception, worship services in Cowboy Churches are informal with a "come as you are" rule. Cowboy Churches are seeker-oriented with the goal to remove barriers that might prevent the unchurched from attending. Sermons are short and down to earth (no churchy language). People can wear hats during service but are asked to remove them during prayer. The majority of the service consists of music, provided live by Country, Western, and Blue Grass musicians.